Greg J Smith’s interest in photography started in his teens and developed strongly during his twenties. It was film back then of course, which is quite a different experience from digital. Toward the end of Greg’s twenties, the necessities of life took over and photography was placed to one side.

Coming from a background spanning over 25 years in project management, design and construction, photography was, during that period, a slow-burning passion. At a point a few years ago, Greg J Smith made the decision to exit corporate life and jump back into a love that had never waned.

Since moving back into the field of photography, his focus has been on growth, from a technical and a creative viewpoint. He became fascinated with concept of human connection.

Apart from the day-to-day experience, Greg has always felt the need to have a project of substance on the go, which led into his first exhibition, ENGAGEMENT.

Fashion, fine art and lifestyle are areas that I have a particular passion for, the common denominator being people. People and the way we interact and relate to each other are endlessly interesting. If in some way, you can capture a moment of excitement or anger, of joy or surprise or sadness or any other aspect of what makes us who we are, photography at that point becomes truly powerful.

Greg J Smith


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