By Alex Buckingham

January 25 – February 18, 2017

Wednesday – Friday, 4 – 7pm

Saturday 11am – 4pm

img_0065Alex Buckingham’s life long photographic career in advertising started in London in the 70’s and has seen him shooting campaigns for just about every British booze and banking institution you can think of including, Smirnoff, Hennessey, Moet, Gordons, Guinness, Boddingtons, Holsten, Tetleys, Strongbow, Carlsberg, Kellogg, Silk Cut, Lloyds Bank, Midland Bank, Barclys Bank. Also the likes of Cadburys, The Times News Paper, Nokia, Liberty Store, Sainburys, Tesco and many more. After moving to Queensland, he began to explore locations and shoot lifestyle in addition to still life, which he always had a passion for. Buckingham has won many prestigious national and international photographic awards including Cannes, One Show, D&AD, Clio, Euro Best, Art Directors Club NY, Campaign Press, Creative Circle, AWARD and locally, BADC.

This exhibition showcases Buckingham’s private photographic works that have seen him exploring a variety of subjects. In Gallery I, the theme is BOTANICAL, bringing together several styles of photography within the one theme. Intimate Garden; a monotone treatment of an ordinary garden species on a large scale, Still Life; fruit arrangements inspired by Italian masters of still life with their characteristic manipulation of light and shade, a collection of Liquid Light prints, and furthermore Polaroid Transfers, precious one-off pieces of Fine Art photography.

In Gallery II, CUBA; the charm of yesteryear still alive today. In true representation of old times, this series is shot on film and is skilfully hand tinted to create unique pieces of art.

Alex Buckingham is represented by MAUD GALLERY, all sales of Alex Buckinghams private photographic works are facilitated through MAUD GALLERY

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Some of Buckingham’s awards through out his professional career:

2016 Bad Awards Australia: PHOTOGRAPHY x2 Silvers & x1 Bronze, in print x5 bronzes
2014 Ranked 123rd best advertising photographer in the world, in Lurzers Archive
2013 Bad Awards Australia: PHOTOGRAPHY x3 Golds & x4 Bronzes, in Print x2 Golds, x4 Silvers & x3 Bronzes
2012 Bad Awards Australia: PHOTOGRAPHY x1 Gold & x3 Silvers, in Print x1 Silver & x3 Bronzes
2011 x2 Golds at PICA
2011 Silver at AWARD
2011 Gold at New York Festival
2011 Gold at Andy Awards
2011 Gold & Silver at Clio’s
2011 Bad Awards Australia: x2 Silvers & x1 Bronze
2010 x4 Bronze Outdoor Awards Australia
2010 Silver at London International Awards
2010 Silver at D&AD London
2010 Silver & Gold at Cannes
2010 Finalist in one show NY
2010 Bad Awards Australia   Best of Show, x2 Golds & x2 Bronzes
2009 Bronze Outdoor Awards Australia
2009 Bronze Effectiveness Awards Australia
2009 Bronze   Creative Circle Awards   London
2009 Bad Awards Australia x 5 Silvers & x8 Bronzes
2008 Silver Campaign Press Awards London
2004 AME Marketing Effectiveness Awards New York
2000-2008 Various Silver & Bronze BAD Awards Brisbane
1999 Judges Choice : Association of Photographers London
1997 Art Directors Club NY
1995 Cannes Lion
1990 Clio Award
1987-2000 Various D&AD Awards London
1987-2000 Various Campaign Press Awards London
Mid ’80’s Euro Best for NIKE

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