Louis Headshot-1Louis Lim (1989) is an Australian based photographer who visually explores the diversity in human conditions, specifically those who are unseen in the saturated media. His works have been exhibited in various galleries within Australia and have been presented internationally. Louis was awarded as the winner of the Queensland Festival of Photography Portrait Prize and was shortlisted as a finalist in 2015 Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award, and 2015 Head On portrait prize. He has also been selected as an Artist in Residence at Royal Children Hospital School and Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital School, where he collaborates with children and visually presenting the stories of a unique school environment.

Motivated by his curiosity towards people and photography, Louis currently works as a freelance photographer, a tutor at Griffith University and a coordinator at Liveimage (a photographic printing studio).

Louis’ body of work WAITING FOR SUNSHINE is part of the collective exhibition IN SITU: New Photodocumentary Work

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