Jacqui Dean – Photographer, Educator

Jacqui Dean has been deeply committed to photography for over three decades, both as a professional photographer and an educator Born in London, Dean emigrated to Australia in 1982 with her husband Tim and their three children.

Since then Jacqui Dean has established a successful career, both as a professional photographer in her own right (with architecture and corporate photography as her specialities) and as a passionate, committed teacher of photography (at Liverpool TAFE 1992-1995, Kingswood TAFE 2002-2014 while offering portfolio reviews privately)

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Jacqui Dean has also been extensively involved in Australia’s leading professional photography organisations – the ACMP (Australian Commercial and Media Photographers) and more recently the AIPP (Australian Institute of Professional Photography), joining their Board in 2002 and being elected President for 2006-2008. Dean then became Chairman in 2008. Dean also became an AIPP Grand Master Photographer in 2012. She has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship and a Fellowship of the AIPP and is also a Fellow of the NZIPP.

During the past two decades, Jacqui Dean has also exhibited her photography widely – her critically acclaimed WANDERLUST exhibition in 2000 reflected Dean’s extensive international editorial assignments -photographing Polo and exotic travel destination stories throughout the world. WANDERLUST was a sell-out success at the L&P Gallery, Artarmon. Dean’s Audio-Visual presentation of her travel assignments in China, Inner Mongolia, Africa, and Argentina was also screened at Kodak’s Auditorium in Ryde, NSW in 1998.

Since then Dean has exhibited at the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Head On Photo Festivals in Sydney, Ballarat Photography Festival, Gallery 1140, Malvern Victoria, the 2011 Loupe Awards in Melbourne (in which she won the Open Category with her photograph of the Darter Bird) and is currently showing TRANSLUCENCE in Maud Creative Gallery, Newstead, Brisbane and Gallery X88 in Chippendale, Sydney

In teaching photography to her TAFE students, Dean endeavours to prepare those intending to become professional by communicating a wide base of the skills required, both technical and artistic. For those who do not eventuate as professional photographers, Dean feels that the education process she initiates at TAFE, should, at the very least, prepare them by establishing a strong belief in their own self-worth, photography’s relevance to contemporary life – and the enduring value of skills honestly gained.


Sydney, June 2014