Sensor cleaning

Sensor Cleaning

Camera Cleaning is useful, Sensor Cleaning is most important.

Your camera’s sensor is the most expensive component in your camera and should only be cleaned by industry trained professional, to keep your photos blemish-free.

Gavin Brown has more than eleven years of experience in Camera Cleaning and Servicing in this exact field, so relax and leave it to the professional. 

Book your camera for a professional sensor clean and whilst you wait, you can enjoy a free coffee on us. 

Any camera, any make, the service takes 30 – 45 min and you will go home with a perfectly clean camera sensor. 

The image here shows the damage after attempted home cleaning. Don’t let this happen to your camera…   


Next sensor cleaning service is on
Wednesday, September 15, from 10am – 3pm

Limited to 10 people, bookings will close on September 10 at 5pm.

Cost: $98 incl. GST

Sensor damage after home cleaning

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