
Filtering magic

Filters help minimize glare and reflections, enhance colors, reduce the light coming into the lens, and more.

In the first seminar about filtration for photographers we looked at the various types of filters available, how some of them are made and demonstrated what effects filters had on both colour and panchromatic B&W photographic films.

In this seminar we will do a little revision on what was covered previously to refresh people’s memories and to help people, who didn’t attend the previous session, come up to speed in preparation for this session.

The new topics that will be covered are the testing necessary to establish a speed point for each of the filters. Not all films are sensitized to record the colours of subjects the same way.

We’ll show some of the differences in some common films response.

How to apply this information in a picture making situation.

Deciding when to shoot colour film instead of B&W when you want to make a B&W negative. A brief description of some of the darkroom procedures required to do this.

How to translate this knowledge to the digital darkroom using applications like Photoshop.

How to make continuous tone ( not inkjet ) B&W negatives from digital files.



thursday, october 28, 2021, from 5.30 – 7pm

Limited to 30 people, bookings will close on october 21, 2021, at 5pm.

Cost: $25 incl. GST

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