2014 Canon AIPP APPA Gold Awards exhibition

November 28 - December 20, 2014

An exhibition of all Category Winners as well as all Queensland Gold and Gold Distinction Awards from this year’s Canon AIPP APPA Awards.

Category Winners

AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year – James Simmons

AIPP Australian Creative Photographer of the Year – Kirsten Graham

AIPP Australian Wedding Photographer of the Year – James Simmons

AIPP Australian Family Photographer of the Year – Kelly Brown

AIPP Australian Portrait Photographer of the Year – Peter Rossi

AIPP Australian Illustrative Photographer of the Year – Keren Dobia

AIPP Australian Documentary Photographer of the Year – Anthony McKee

AIPP Australian Science, Nature and Environment Photographer of the Year – Joshua Holko

AIPP Australian Landscape Photographer of the Year – Ricardo Da Cunha

AIPP Australian Travel Photographer of the Year – Nick Rains

AIPP Australian Sports Photographer of the Year – Matt Palmer

AIPP Australian Commercial Photographer of the Year – Aran Anderson

AIPP Australian Fashion Photographer of the Year – Peter Coulson

AIPP Australian Advertising Photographer of the Year – Matthew Everingham

AIPP Australian Book of the Year – Peter Eastway

AIPP Australian Album of the Year – Nadine Saacks

AIPP Australian International Photographer of the Year – Luke Edmonson

AIPP Australian Emerging Photographer of the Year – Adam Williams

AIPP Australian Tertiary Institute of the Year – Photography Studies College Melbourne

AIPP Australian Student Photographer of the Year – Jacqui Hogan

AIPP Australian Highest Scoring Image – Kelly Gerdes

AIPP Australian Birth Photographer of the Year – Victoria Berekmeri

Gold Distinction Awards

Jose Aguiar

Justin Blank

Kevin Chamberlain

Ben Clark

Mark Duffus

Lib Ferreira

Kelly Gerdes

Colleen Harris

Adam Horizon

Andrew McConachy

Anthony McKee

Matt Palmer

Julius Pang

Nick Rains

Nadine Saacks

Marty Schoo

James Simmons 2x

Cameron Spencer

Adam Williams

Gold Awards

Justin Blank

Steph Bowers

Kelly Brown 2x

Ben Clark

Jannick Clausen 2x

Luisa Dunn

John English

Kylie Garner

Liz Harlin

Guy Havell

Charmaine Heyer

Darren Jew 2x

Tanya Love

Irena Prikryl

Nick Rains 2x

Peter Rossi 3x

Elizabeth Reeves

Mark Schoeman

Darren Smith

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