+ MOMENTO PRO ANZ Photobook of the Year Awards

August 3-5, 2018

This year’s Photobook symposium brings us exciting events over the weekend; exhibitions, presentations, key note speakers, one-on-one consultations and a lot more.

DAY 1 – Friday 3.8. 2018, 5.30 – 8pm

The launch of the Australian and New Zealand Photobook of the Year finalists.

DAY 2 – Saturday 4.8.2018,

10.30 – 3.30pm – Australian and New Zealand Photobook of the Year finalists exhibition.

Seating to the following sessions is limited, reserve your seat here

11 – 12non – Talking Photobooks with Libby Jefferey from Momento Pro. Hear about the Antipodean experience of self publishing, from purpose to publicity; all things that make a difference.

1 – 4pm – Meet local photobook makers & view their books (Ana Paula Estrada, Tammy Law, Raphaela Rosella,Jan Ramsay) and hear about the recent photobook events (the NZ photobook Masterclass, Photo Bangkok, the ANZ Photobook compendium).

Day 3 – Sunday 5.8.2018

9.30 – 11.30 – Photobook review with the Doctors – Working on a photobook? consult one-on-one with Doug Spowart PhD and Voctoria Cooper PhD and discuss all the relevant aspects of your project. Each session will be 25min, a follow-up additional session can also be booked; book your consultation here. 

1.30 – 3.30 – Expanding the Photobook; The Concertina Fold – hear the run-down on the latest emerging photobook trend, the Concertina fold. This event is a ‘show & tell’ of various concertinas from the private Spowart + Cooper collection and a discussion about designing, layout, printing, material selection and all other aspects of creating the concertina photobook. The afternoon session is limited to 12 participants, book your ticket here