Darkroom series – Part 3

Book early – maximum 3 participants in each group

A supervised printmaking session using your negatives. After being introduced to an enlarger for the session you will make test prints, select the appropriate contrast grade and use basic print enhancement techniques to produce your own prints.

You will work with a specialist darkroom practitioner to direct and support the printing session enabling you to make the most of this special opportunity.

This session will include a critique of the work created.

After completion of this series participants will be able to become members of MAUD | DART and hire the Maud Gallery darkroom either as an individual or with mentored support.

DATE: Saturday, November 12, 2016, two workshops

1pm – 3.30pm (AEST)

3.30pm – 6.00pm (AEST)

COST: $125 per person – includes 10 sheets of 24x30cm (9.5”x12”) paper valued @ $32 + chemicals

BOOKING: Eventbrite