With Julian Pearce

June 10, 2017

9am – 4.30pm

Cost $250

This hands-on workshop will provide solid coverage of the essentials skills required for the photographic artist to produce silver gelatin prints.

About the workshop

This is a follow-up workshop to the Exposing and developing film workshop as participants will be using negatives exposed at the earlier workshop or at another time to print. Negatives to print from can also be provided if necessary.

Topics covered include:

Materials provided

Workshops notes, a supply of printing paper and the chemistry required will be provided, as well as morning and afternoon coffee. Participants may either bring their own lunch or buy lunch at the nearby Boo Cafe Booroodabin Bowls Club (100 metres or so from Maud Creative).

If the workshop is cancelled, refunds will be made in full. Refunds are not available less than one month before the workshop. However, registrations may be transferred to another attendee with prior notice.


Limited number of participants, to secure your place book here

For inquiries email julianjp@bigpond.net.au


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